鸟翱翔于天地之间,外形华美,歌声婉转,最能打动诗人的心灵。雪莱笔下“永远歌唱着飞翔,飞翔着歌唱”的云雀,济慈以魂相托的“林间仙子”夜莺,嬉戏在库尔庄园里“神秘而美丽”的野天鹅,都是英语诗歌中经典的鸟意象。鹰(hawk or eagle)作为百鸟之王,更以矫健的姿态和自由的精神赢得了古今中外诗人的青睐。早在《诗经·大雅》中就有“维师尚父,时维鹰扬”的诗句[1],赞美太师尚父像空中翱翔的雄鹰一样驰骋疆场。鹰威猛强悍,神勇刚毅,在《圣经》中常被用来比喻耶和华的神力,如“But those who wait
Birds fly between heaven and earth, beautiful shape, song gently, most touched the poet’s heart. Shelley’s pen ”the sky singing singing forever,“ the skylark, Keats to the soul phase care ”forest fairy “ nightingale, play in the mysterious and beautiful , Are all classic bird images in English poetry. Hawk (eagle) as the king of birds, but also with a strong attitude and freedom won the ancient and modern poets of all ages. As early as in ”The Book of Songs, Taiga,“ there is a poem [1], ”The Master of the Wisdom Master, Timekeeping Eagle“, praising the Master as father flying like an eagle flying in the air. Hawks powerful tough, brave and resolute, in the ”Bible“ is often used to describe the divine power of the Lord, such as ”But those who wait