1、中国军民伤亡人数为3500万 长期以来,抗日战争期间中国军民伤亡数字一直说法不一。1946年国民党政府根据战时统计作出的《中国责令日本赔偿损失之说贴》,认为军人伤亡为331100人,民众伤亡8420898人。1946年美国出版的《世界年鉴》认为中国军民伤亡数字为3500万,其中死亡1800万,伤1700万。日本历史学研究会在《太平洋战争史》一书中,也持相同看法。
1. Chinese Civilian Casualties of 35 Million For a long time, the numbers of casualties among civilians and Chinese in the War of Resistance Against Japan have been mixed. In 1946, the Kuomintang government made “China’s order to compensate Japan for compensation for damages” made on the basis of wartime statistics, claiming that there were 331,100 casualties and 8420898 civilian casualties. According to the World Yearbook published by the United States in 1946, the number of civil and military casualties in China was 35 million, of which 18 million were dead and 17 million injured. Japan History Research Council in the “Pacific War History” one book, also hold the same view.