【摘 要】
Despite domestic success,Chinese phone makers will have to change tactics to ensure their survival in a fast-changing markeHan Yu,a 24-year-old postgraduate stu
Despite domestic success,Chinese phone makers will have to change tactics to ensure their survival in a fast-changing markeHan Yu,a 24-year-old postgraduate student in Beijing,is a rabid fan of Xiaomi Inc.,a Beijing-based maker of smartphones,tablets and televisions.He,like hundreds of thousands of other Xiaomi worshippers,spends hours every day testing the user interface of Xi-
Despite domestic success, Chinese phone makers will have to change tactics to ensure their survival in a fast-changing markeHan Yu, a 24-year-old postgraduate student in Beijing, is a rabid fan of Xiaomi Inc., a Beijing-based maker of smartphones, tablets and televisions. He, like hundreds of thousands of other Xiaomi worshippers, spends hours every day testing the user interface of Xi-
With an increasing number of child sexual abuse cases coming to light,society needs to stand up and take action Child victims of sexual abuse may not be preyed
【摘要】本文首先比较了台湾和浙江农村合作金融机构的存贷款市场占有率等现状。其次,本文从改革背景、内容与成果等方面介绍了台湾省农村合作金融机构的改革过程,并从台湾省与浙江省的经济金融环境、农村合作金融机构改革背景对台湾省与浙江省的农村合作金融进行了比较。最后,本文从台湾省农村合作金融机构改革及发展历程中汲取有利于浙江省农村合作金融机构发展的经验教训,进而促进其自身的改善与发展。 【关键词】农村合作
供给侧与需求侧是决定经济增长的两个重要方面,宏观经济政策和消费者信心,是影响需求侧的两个主要因素,而供给侧主要是受要素积累与技术进步的影响。 而随着全球经济增速放缓,我国经济增长也呈现出了疲软的态势,自2015年以来股市和汇率的波动,使得外界对中国经济的硬着陆产生了担忧,从一定程度上也影响了国内消费者的信心。自2014年11月,央行已经六次降息,并多次采取了降低存款准备金率的货币政策来刺激经济发
【摘要】当前,我国中央企业重大安全责任事故一再发生,损害的不仅是生命与财产,还有党和政府的形象。本文试图通过对青岛“11?22”事故的分析,从安全监督监察执法的角度,分析其中的体制机制问题,并提出相应的改革建议。 【关键词】中央企业安全监督行政执法 2013年11月22日10时25分,位于山东省青岛经济技术开发区的中国石油化工股份有限公司管道储运分公司东黄输油管道泄漏原油进入市政排水暗渠,在形
A new registration system aims to clarify ownership rights The long-awaited rules of property registration have finally come out.The provisional regulations wer
Despite a “difficult” past year of falling real estate prices, increasing defaults and ballooning local government debt, China has continued to defy the worst economic forecasts of doomsayers. Fears