初冬的一天下午 ,与铁松老先生相偕 ,去了一趟“天一阁”茶艺馆。这是一座仿古式三层楼的建筑 ,面积达一千余平方米 ,二楼有以品茶为主的大、小包间十余个 ,三楼有以餐饮为主的包间六、七个。第一次来这里 ,其气象即给我留下了殊深印象。茶馆座落在银川市清河街南端的商业广场
In the early winter afternoon, accompanied by Mr. Tie Songla, he went to Tianyi Pavilion Tea House. This is an antique three-storey building, an area of 1,000 square meters, the second floor has mainly tea, the more than ten small rooms, the third floor there are dining-based six or seven rooms. The first time I came here, the weather gave me a deep impression. Tea House is located in Yinchuan Qinghe Street, south of the commercial plaza