木麻黄(Casuarina spp.)原产澳大利亚、缅甸、孟加拉和印度的安达曼群岛,在中国主要作沿海防护林,遍植于沿海沙滩,也较普遍用作行道树,种于公路和河道两旁。木麻黄青枯病(Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F.Smith)是沿海木麻黄防护林一大病害。国内外研究资料表明,解决青枯病要从抗病育种入手。从严重发病区挑选速生的遗留健株,进行无性繁殖,经过人工接种,筛选出抗病性较强的品系,再用无性繁殖法大量繁殖抗病品系。
Casuarina spp. Originating in the Andaman Islands of Australia, Burma, Bangladesh and India, the coastal shelterbelts in China are predominantly cultivated on coastal beaches and are more commonly used as street trees on both roads and rivers. Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F.Smith is a major disease of Casuarina equisetifolia shelterbelts. Domestic and foreign research data show that to solve bacterial wilt disease resistance breeding start. From the serious incidence of disease-prone areas of selected health-leaved strains, asexual reproduction, after artificial inoculation, screened a more resistant strains, and then asexual reproduction of large-scale breeding of resistant strains.