记者:陈老师,您的名字很特别,有什么说法吗? 红儿:我是杭州懈放那天出生的,是五月初十天刚刚亮的时候,于是我就有了红儿这个小名,后来叫惯了,就叫陈红儿了。 记者:您是哪年到萧山的? 红儿:我是六六届初中毕业生。一九六九年我到萧山县义盛镇插队。一九七五年我爸爸瞒着我把我的户口迁回杭州。一九七八年县体委决定办少体班,希望我回去。家里坚决反对,可我还是毅然回到了农村。接着我在义盛中学当民办教师,一干就是三年。当时学校的体育成绩比较差。我去
Reporter: Mr. Chen, your name is very special, what’s your opinion? Hungry: I was born in Hangzhou on that day, when it was just ten days in May, when I was young and I had the nickname Called accustomed, called Chen Hong children. Reporter: Which year did you come to Xiaoshan? Honger: I was a junior high school graduate in the sixth and sixth term. In 1969 I went to Yisheng Town, Xiaoshan County. In 1975, my father told me to move my account back to Hangzhou. In 1978, the county party committee decided to run a small class and hopefully I will go back. House firmly opposed, but I resolutely returned to the countryside. Then I was a private teacher at Ysheng Secondary School, I did it for three years. At that time, school sports scores were poor. I go