世界可持续发展工商理事会是继 1992年联合国里约热内卢环境与发展 大会之后,由当时总部设在日内瓦的 可持续发展工商理事会(BCSD)和 总部设在巴黎的世界环境工业理事会 (WICE)于1995年合并成立的,是 一个与联合国联系紧密的国际组织。 WBCSD是企业为共同履行在保护 环境和实现经济可持续发展方面的承 诺和应尽义务为宗旨的跨地区、跨部
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development, which was established in 1992 following the UN General Assembly on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, was jointly organized by the then-World Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) in Geneva and the World Environment Industry Council (WICE) in Paris Merged in 1995, it is an international organization closely linked with the United Nations. WBCSD is a cross-regional and cross-departmental initiative for enterprises to jointly fulfill their commitments and due diligence in environmental protection and sustainable economic development