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如果将中国改革开放之初的外资并购看作是一场中国经济市场化的“运营演习”,那么今天的外资并购更似一场“廉价掠夺”。因为此时形式上的相近几乎被实质的差异取代,而此前的固步自封可能已演变成了今天的“投怀送抱”。如今,中国的行业龙头企业正在接受一场外资并购风暴的冲击,民族工业的大旗亦面临在“廉价掠夺”的并购浪潮中摇摇欲坠,中国民族工业和民族企业所追求的百年老店目标,正经受着外资“入侵”的考验……2006年新年伊始,中央就提出了建立“创新型国家”的目标,大力提倡“自主创新精神”。但是,作为创建“创新型国家”主力军的行业龙头企业,却正面临着被某些跨国巨头以“资本运作”的合法途径而清洗出局的危险命运。 If we take China’s reform and opening up at the beginning of foreign M & A as a marketization of China’s economy, “operational exercises,” then today’s M & A more like a “plunder.” Because at this time the formal similarities were almost replaced by substantive differences, and the previous restlessness may have evolved into today’s “investment.” Nowadays, the industry leaders in China are being hit by a storm of foreign capital M & A. The banner of the national industry is also facing the crux of the wave of “cheap and plundering” mergers and acquisitions. The goal of the century-old company pursued by the Chinese national industry and national enterprises is increasing. At the beginning of the new year of 2006, the Central Government proposed the goal of establishing an “innovative nation” and vigorously promoted “the spirit of independent innovation.” However, the leading enterprises in the industry as the main force for creating an “innovation-oriented country” are facing the dangerous fate of being purged out by some multinational giants through the legal channels of “capital operation.”
目的探究在老年股骨粗隆间骨折麻醉中采用髂筋膜间隙阻滞的效果。方法 62例老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者,根据麻醉方法不同分为常规组和实验组,每组31例。常规组患者给予常规性全