本文设计4个不同的实验方法,以越南红河流域原始森林区、河漫滩区和水下三角洲区3个不同沉积环境下的9个样品为实验对象,对镜下碳屑不同的实验室处理方法进行对比研究,实验发现样品用六偏磷酸钠分散法(方法A)和盐酸分散法(方法B)处理后,镜下碳屑形态不易分辨,杂质多,而用氢氟酸处理法(方法C)和附加醋酸酐混合液处理法(方法D),镜下碳屑的形态清晰,杂质少,碳屑数量容易统计,但是方法D中利用醋酸酐与浓硫酸混合液去纤维素与染色过程会使纤维素碳化,结果显示碳屑浓度明显比用前3种方法处理的浓度高。以上实验结果表明方法C是最优的。另外,本研究在进行碳屑统计时,利用NIS-Elements Br 3.0软件的自动统计计数功能,不仅可以减小人为计数产生的误差,还可以实现碳屑的多参数统计,有利于古环境、古气候、古植被变化的多信息解译。
In this paper, four different experimental methods were designed. Nine samples under three different depositional environments, pristine forest area, floodplain area and subaqueous delta area, were selected as experimental subjects. Comparative study, the experiment found that the sample with sodium hexametaphosphate dispersion method (Method A) and hydrochloric acid dispersion method (Method B) treatment, the morphology of carbon debris is difficult to distinguish microscopy, impurities and more, and treated with hydrofluoric acid (Method C) And additional acetic anhydride mixture treatment method (method D), the morphology of the chip carbon debris clear, less impurities, easy to count the number of carbon debris, but the use of acetic anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid mixed solution D method and the dyeing process will make Cellulose carbonization, the results showed that the concentration of carbon debris was significantly higher than the concentration of the first three methods. The above experimental results show that method C is the best. In addition, the use of automatic statistical counting function of NIS-Elements Br 3.0 software can not only reduce the error caused by anthropogenic counting, but also realize the multi-parameter statistics of the carbon debris, which is in favor of paleoenvironment, ancient Multi-information interpretation of climate and paleo-vegetation change.