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第一次到外地读书。第一次独立生活。他双手紧攥着那只小提包,拘谨地坐在自己的床上,对面,一个瘦小的小个子同学有滋有味地吃晚饭。 “刚到?”小个子抬起头,微笑着眨眨眼。 “嗯。”他欠起身,一丝暖意从心头隐隐掠过。 “怎么,没领饭票?”小个子利索地放下搪瓷碗,伸手往兜里掏。 “不,不,谢谢,我有!”他一急,把提包往床上一掼,取出碗筷转身就走。一出寝室他就后悔了:“害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。”妈妈的叮嘱像电影的话外音,在耳畔回响。越想越不放心,疯了似的往回奔去。门“砰”的一声撞开了。小个子不在,去哪里啦?他心里一惊,一头向自己床上扑去,老半天才把提包的拉链拉开。 The first time I went to study in a foreign country. Live for the first time. He was clutching the little bag next to his hands and sitting tightly in his bed, opposite, a small little fellow student savoring dinner. “Arrived?” The little man looked up and blinked with a smile. “Yeah.” He leaned up and a hint of warmth passed his heart. “How did you not receive a meal ticket?” The little man took the enamel bowl down and reached for his pocket. “No, no, thank you. I have!” He said. He took a brief trip to the bed, took out the dishes and turned away. He regretted when he was out of the bedroom: “The heart of the detriment must not be deterrence, and the heart of the defensive person must not be deterred.” The voice of a mother’s like a movie echoed in the ear. The more I wish I could not rest assured, rushed back like crazy. The door banged open. When the little man is away, where is it? He was surprised, he rushed to his bed, and the old genius pulled the zipper off.
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尿道狭窄是泌尿外科常见疾病 ,多由外伤引起 ,治疗较困难。 1973年Sachse首先用叶片状锋利冷刀行直视下尿道内切开术 (DVIU) ,使尿道狭窄 (闭锁 )的治疗方法有了巨大的改变。我院从 199
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甘露醇是一种已六醇 ,有脱水、清除自由基的作用 ,是目前治疗急性脑卒中 ,控制脑水肿最常用的药物 ,但随着其治疗过程中导致急性肾功能衰竭 (ARF)的报道的日渐增多[1~ 3] ,人们越