幽门螺杆菌(helicobacter pylori,Hp)于1983年由澳大利亚学者首先发现。此标志着现代医学暨消化疾病的进展。流行病学调查资料表明,Hp感染率在我国为40%~60%,儿童也有相当高的感染率。Hp感染有随年龄增长的趋势〔1〕。Hp感染是世界性健康问题,估计2/3人口感染Hp。西方国家流行
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) was first discovered by Australian scholars in 1983. This marks the progress of modern medicine and digestive diseases. Epidemiological survey data show that Hp infection rate in our country is 40% to 60%, children also have a very high infection rate. Hp infection with age trends [1]. Hp infection is a worldwide health problem and an estimated 2/3 of the population is infected with Hp. Western countries popular