Direct shear test has the advantages of convenience and economy, and is widely used to improve the reliability of direct shear test data is of great significance. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, the data of direct shear test are divided into two categories: single point area correction method and multi - point area correction method. By simplifying the physical model of the soil under shear stress, a single point area stress correction method based on area correction and normal stress correction is proposed. The results show that the method is effective and reliable, and the revised strength index is greater than the other two methods, and the practical application of the three methods is briefly discussed. In the process of derivation, proposed area correction coefficient and normal stress correction coefficient. The results show that the shear stress on the effective shear surface is larger than the measured value as the shear displacement increases, and the normal stress on the effective shear area is smaller than the applied vertical stress and gradually increases with the shear displacement Decreases; normal stress on the non-effective shear surface is gradually increasing. Due to the defect of the direct shear test itself, the corrected strength parameters are different from the triaxial test results. The proposed single-point area stress correction method improves the reliability and accuracy of obtaining the shear strength parameters of soil using the direct shear test.