Movie studios hate it. File-2)swappers love it. Bram Cohen’s 3)blazing-fast 4)P2P software has turned the Internet into a universal 5)TiVo. For free video-on-demand, just click here.
Bram Cohen is the creator of BitTorrent, one of the most successful peer-to-peer programs ever. BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download 6)enormous amounts of data—files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3. Analysts report that BitTorrent 7)traffic 8)accounts for more than one-third of all data sent across the Internet. Cohen showed his code to the world at a 9)hacker conference in 2002, as a free, open source project aimed at 10)geeks who need a cheap way to swap 11)Linux software online. But the real audience turns out to be TV and movie 12)fanatics. It takes hours to download a 13)ripped 14)episode of 15)Alias or 16)Monk off 17)Kazaa, but BitTorrent can do it in minutes. As a result, more than 40 million people have downloaded the BitTorrent 18)application. If any one of them misses their favorite TV show, no worries. Surely someone has posted it as a “19)torrent.” As for movies, if you can find it at 20)Blockbuster, you can probably find it online somewhereÑand use BitTorrent to 21)suck it down.
In fact, the problem with P2P file-sharing networks like Kazaa, Cohen reasoned, is that uploading and downloading do not happen at equal speeds. 22)Broadband providers allow their users to download at superfast rates, but let them upload only very slowly, creating a 23)bottleneck: If two peers try to swap a compressed copy of 24)Meet the FokkersÑsay, 700 25)megs, the 26)recipient will receive at a speedy 1.5 megs a second, but the sender will be uploading at maybe one-tenth of that rate. Thus, one-to-one swapping online is 27)inherently inefficient. It’s fine for MP3s but doesn’t work for huge files. So Cohen realized that 28)chopping up a file and handing out the pieces to several uploaders would really speed things up.
29)Paradoxically, BitTorrent’s 30)architecture means that the more popular the file is the faster it downloads-because more people are 31)pitching in. Better yet, it’s a 32)virtuous cycle. Users download and share at the same time. The more files you’re willing to share, the faster any individual torrent downloads to your computer.
With so much 33)illegal traffic, it’s no surprise that a 34)clampdown has started: In the earlier 2005, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) began 35)suing downloaders of movies, in order to, as the MPAA’s 36)antipiracy chief John Malcolm put it, “avoid the fate of the music industry.” “We consider it a regrettable but necessary step. We saw the 37)devastating effect that peer-to-peer piracy had on the record industry.”
However, the one person who hasn’t joined the 38)plundering is Cohen himself. “Give and ye shall receive” became Cohen’s 39)motto. He says he has never downloaded a single pirated file using BitTorrent. Why? He suspects the MPAA would love to make a legal example of him, and he doesn’t want to give them an opening. He’s the perfect candidate for downloading, though, since he doesn’t care if he sees TV live, doesn’t 40)subscribe to basic cable, and already sits at a computer all day long. The only shows he watches are those he buys on DVD.
“41)All hell’s about to break loose. It’s a technology that is changing the landscape of broadcast media,” says Brad Burnham, a venture capitalist with Union Square Ventures in Manhattan, which studies the impact of new technology on traditional media. “BitTorrent does not require the wires or 42)airwaves that the cable and network 43)giants have spent billions constructing and buying. BitTorrent transforms the Internet into the world’s largest TiVo.”
Let’s look at a good example: Gary, a graduate student in computer science at Stanford, became 44)fascinated with Outfoxed, the documentary critical of Fox News, and thought more people should see it. So he convinced the film’s producer to let him put a chunk of it on his Web site for free as a 500-45)Mbyte torrent. Within two months, nearly 1,500 people downloaded it. That’s almost 750 46)gigs of traffic, 47)a heck of a 48)wallop. But to get the ball rolling, Gary’s site needed to serve up only 5 gigs. After that, the peers took over and hosted it themselves. His bill for that 49)bandwidth is only $4. There are drinks at 50)Starbucks that cost more. “It’s amazingÑI’m a movie distributor,” he says. “If I had my own content, I’d be a TV station.”
Meanwhile, the lawsuits place Cohen in the 51)cros-shairs. The record industry sued 52)Napster into 53)ob-livion. Could the MPAA do the same thing to him? Legal experts doubt it. The courts have argued in recent years that a file-sharing technology cannot be banned if it has “54)substantial 55)noninfringing uses”Ñin other words, if it can be used for legal purposes.
Cohen seems curiously
unmoved by the storm raging around him. He doesn’t
want to talk about piracy and the future of media. “With BitTorrent, 56)the
out of the bag.” he
然而,有一个人并没有加入到这场盗窃中,这个人正是科恩自己。“给予便能获得” 成为了科恩的座右铭。他说自己从来没有用BT下载过一个盗版文件。为什么呢?他怀疑美国电影协会正想通过法律手段惩罚他以儆效尤。他当然不想给他们这个可乘之机。要不是这样,他应该是最有可能进行下载的,因为他并不在乎自己是否是在看现场直播,也没有订阅有线电视,而只是一整天坐在电脑前。他观看的唯一节目就是那些他买回来的DVD。
让我们来看看一个很好的例子吧:加里,一名斯坦福大学计算机科学专业的研究生,曾一度迷上评论福克斯新闻的一个记录文献片《解密福克斯》,并且认为应该有更多人看到这个节目。于是他说服影片的制作人允许他把影片的一个片段作为500兆的torrent文件放到自己的个人网页上。随后的两个月时间里,将近1500多人下载了该节目。数据容量达到了750G,这简直就是一股极大的冲击力。但是加里的网站却只需提供5G的容量便可以让整个项目运转。而他的宽带费用也只花了仅仅4美元,比一杯星巴克咖啡还便宜。“这太让人惊讶了!我成了一名电影发行员。” 他说,“如果我有自己的栏目内容,那我不就是一座电视台了。”