Recently, American “Entrepreneur” magazine selected a number of successful entrepreneurs under the age of 30, among them are born entrepreneurs, those who accidentally plunge into the sea of commerce, and some rely on strict business plans to grow steadily while others are careless Get good luck. But they all share one common trait: fighting for dreams. Industry innovator Jeremy Little Ice Cream Company: Producing a unique flavor of super ice cream Venue: Pennsylvania Founder: Jeremy Klaus Klaus Says: “I grew up annoying in a regular job, so I’ve been I did not work, and I said: Actually, I can do any work - even making ice cream. ”So the University of Pennsylvania student started ice cream in her dorm room. Soon, the same two partners Samor Cohen and Thomas Hilton joined. Klaus sold most of the bonds as a start-up, and earned his money when he was in high school selling door-to-door water purifiers for a total of $ 60,000. After the market