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民俗语言在俗语文学作品中有着极为重要的地位.中国俗文学,是我国新文化运动中出现的一个新学科,是一个特殊而很重要的学科清末,在我国甘肃省敦煌石窟发现的大批珍贵书画文物,是中国文化史上的一件大事,引起了中外学者的广泛注意,并逐渐形成了国际性的“敦煌学”;其中所藏之唐代通俗小说、诗歌、说唱文学、俗曲、杂文等,弥补了我国文学史研究上的一个空白,并引发了“俗文学”的创立.最早研究中国俗文学并提出“俗文学”一词者,当推日本的狩野直喜(1868—1947)博士,他曾于19(?)0年在日本京都帝国大学人文科学学报《艺文》上发表《水浒传与中国戏曲》,此后两年又发表了《元曲的由来与白仁甫的〈梧桐雨〉》、《试论以琵琶行为题材的中国戏曲》等;民国初年,他游英法时将这两个国家所藏敦煌俗文学资料抄录公之于世,1916年在《艺文》第7卷第1、3期上发表了.《中国俗文学史研究的材料》,认为“治中国俗文学而仅言元明清三代戏曲小说者甚多,然从敦煌文书的这些残本察看,可以断言,中国俗文学之萌芽,已显现于唐末五代,至宋而渐推广,至元更获一大发展.”(参见严绍(汤玉)《狩野直喜和中国俗文学的研究》;载中华书局《学林漫录》第7集,1983年3月) Folklore language plays a very important role in the works of proverbial literature.Chinese popular literature is a new discipline emerging in the New Culture Movement in China and is a special and important subject.A lot of precious paintings and calligraphies discovered in Dunhuang Grottoes of Gansu Province in the late Qing Dynasty Cultural relics are a major event in the history of Chinese culture, arousing widespread attention of Chinese and foreign scholars, and gradually formed an international “Dunhuang Studies”; the Tibetan popular novels, poems, rap literature, vulgar songs, He made up the blank of the research on the history of Chinese literature and triggered the establishment of “vulgar literature.” The earliest study of Chinese popular literature and the proposition of “vulgar literature”, when pushing Japanese doctor Kano Naoki (1868-1947) He published “Outlaws of the Marsh and Chinese Opera” at the “Arts” published by the Imperial College of Humanities in Kyoto, Japan on January 19, and published “The Origin of Yuan Songs and the Raining of Pak Rain” by Bai Renfu two years later. In the early Republic of China, when he traveled to Britain and France, he made public copies of the Dunhuang popular literature in both countries. In 1916, he wrote a series of articles entitled “Art and Literature”, Volume 7 The materials published in the history of Chinese popular literature in the first and the third period were regarded as “materials for the study of the history of Chinese popular literature.” They held that “treating the Chinese popular literature is only the most important element in the drama fiction in the Ming and Qing dynasties. From these remnants of Dunhuang documents, The sprout of Chinese popular literature has appeared in the late Tang and the Five Dynasties, and gradually spread to the Song Dynasty, to the yuan has been a major development. ”(See Yan Shao (Tang Yu)“ Kano wild straight and the study of Chinese popular literature ”; contained Zhonghua Book Company “Xue Lin Man Lu” Episode 7, March 1983)
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【摘要】为了提升高中生综合实践能力,我校以陶艺校本课程为抓手,对语文、数学、物理、化学、历史和音乐等学科进行整合,形成了陶印、科技陶艺、中国陶艺史和陶埙等新课程,通过课程整合转变了学生的学习方式,为实施素质教育提供了更为广阔的平台。  【关键词】校本课程 陶艺 校本课程 学科整合  课程整合意味着对课程教学目标、设计和评价等诸要素用整体的、联系的、辩证的观点来认识,研究教育过程中各学科之间的关系。