Male patient, 50 years old, suffering from cholesteatoma type otolaryngitis due to left ear on September 15, 1980 in our department left ear mastoid radical mastectomy. Postoperative suppurative auricular perichondritis, local swelling, pain endless. After the formation of left ear lumps abscess, multiple drainage diversion dressing unhealed. Local four biopsies were inflammatory granulation tissue, secondary pus culture were detected Pseudomonas aeruginosa, drug sensitivity test, in addition to gentamicin sensitive, the rest are not sensitive (polymyxin hypersensitivity). Therefore, the use of gentamicin local and systemic treatment, invalid, switch to oxacillin intramuscular injection. Local physiotherapy, closed, 5% zinc acetate wet compress, Chinese medicine and fish stone cartilage dressing and so on. Treatment of nearly 3 months did not improve, anti-increase trend. Finally, we stop the rest of the treatment, with the following method of treatment received unexpected results: first left ear ulcers long wound healing