站在黄河岸边的莽头山巅,蓝天白云下,松涛阵阵,林海茫茫,一望无际的森林绵延着铺向远方,把厚厚的黄土地盖了个严严实实。要不是山脚下黄河水的提醒,真不敢相信这是在黄土高原看到的秀美景象。多少年来,许许多多勤劳、善良的宜川人,为保护和培育黄河岸边的这片森林,做出了不可磨灭的贡献,张存锁同志就是其中杰出的代表。 “布鞋场长”赢美誉 山川秀美看交里 1982年,张存锁从学校毕业后,工作被分配到英旺林场位置最远、面积最大的营林区—庙湾工区,那里山大沟深,生活条件十分艰苦。怀着对家乡深厚的感情和对林业事业的无限热爱,意气风发的张存锁没有被眼前的困难所吓倒,他主动上山
Standing on the banks of the Yellow River, there is a huge mountain of vastness under the blue sky and white clouds. The vast sea of woods and endless stretches of forest stretch to the distance, covering the thick loess with a tangible reality. If it is not a reminder of the Yellow River water at the foot of the mountain, I really can not believe this is a beautiful sight I have seen in the Loess Plateau. For many years, many industrious and kind-hearted Yichuan people have made indelible contributions to the protection and cultivation of this piece of forest on the bank of the Yellow River, and Comrade Zhang Cunshu is one of the outstanding representatives. In 1982, Zhang Cunshu graduated from school, the work was assigned to the location of the longest foothills in Yingwang, the largest area of the forest - Miaowang work area, where the mountain ditch deep, living conditions Very hard. With deep feelings of his hometown and infinite love of forestry, Zhang Cailuo, a high-spirited man, was not intimidated by immediate difficulties. He volunteered to go up the mountain