
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong427
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岩土材料的本构模型是岩土工程学科的重要理论基础。合理的本构模型既能定性地揭示岩土的变形强度机制,也能定量地进行岩土体强度和变形计算。笔者20余年来潜心于土的本构模型研究,取得了以下3个方面的理论成果:1在修正剑桥模型的基础上,通过引入统一硬化(unified hardening,UH)参数,建立UH模型,该本构模型能够反映饱和超固结土的剪缩、剪胀、硬化、软化和应力路径相关性等特性,模型所用土性参数与修正剑桥模型完全相同;2扩展UH模型,使其考虑多种外部因素(温度、时间和基质吸力)、复杂特性(各向异性、结构性和小应变特性)和复杂加载条件(循环荷载、部分排水即渐近状态)等的影响;3提出广义非线性强度准则和满足热力学定律的变换应力三维化方法,从而实现了本构模型的合理三维化。UH模型已被嵌入到数值计算软件中,并被用于分析岩土工程问题。以上研究包括本构建模、强度准则、三维化方法和数值分析等方面,形成了独具特色的岩土本构理论和应用体系。 The constitutive model of geomaterials is an important theoretical basis of geotechnical engineering. The reasonable constitutive model not only qualitatively reveals the deformation strength of rock and soil, but also can quantitatively calculate the strength and deformation of rock and soil. The author has devoted himself to studying the constitutive model of soil for more than 20 years and has achieved the following theoretical results in three aspects: 1 Based on the revised Cambridge model, a UH model is established by introducing unified hardening (UH) parameters, The model can reflect the characteristics of shear strength, shear dilation, hardening, softening and stress path of saturated overconsolidated soil. The soil parameters used in the model are exactly the same as those of the modified Cambridge model. 2 The UH model is expanded to consider various external (Temperature, time and matrix suction), complex characteristics (anisotropy, structural and small strain characteristics) and complex loading conditions (cyclic loading, partial drainage or asymptotic conditions); 3 the generalized nonlinear strength criterion And to meet the thermodynamic laws of transformation stress three-dimensional method, so as to achieve a reasonable three-dimensional constitutive model. The UH model has been embedded in numerical calculation software and used to analyze geotechnical problems. The above research includes constitutive modeling, strength criterion, three-dimensional method and numerical analysis, forming a unique constitutive theory and application system of geomaterials.
以1株野生双孢蘑菇[Agaricus bisporus(Lange)Imbach]为研究对象,通过分子生物学鉴定及适宜碳源、氮源、温度及酸碱度的筛选,研究其生物学特性。结果表明该菌经鉴定为双孢蘑
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