目的通过对一起高校诺如病毒感染性腹泻暴发疫情的调查和分析,为防治诺如病毒感染性腹泻提供科学的依据。方法对腹泻学生采取流行病学调查,采集腹泻学生的粪便标本及肛拭子标本等,应用RT-PCR法进行诺如病毒检测。结果该起疫情2014年6月1日起,历时18 d;共633例病患。患者就餐史没有统一性,但均使用并饮用过学校管网水。对44例患者的粪便标本或肛拭子,经病毒核酸检测诺如病毒阳性34例,阳性检出率为77.27%。结论此起感染性腹泻暴发疫情是由诺如病毒引起,可能为生活饮用水污染和生活接触传播所致,通过采取饮水饮食卫生管理、隔离病人、加强消毒,加强院内感染管理等综合措施后疫情终止。
Objective To investigate and analyze the outbreak of Norovirus infectious diarrhea in universities and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of Norovirus infectious diarrhea. Methods Epidemiological investigation was conducted on diarrhea students, stool samples and anal swab samples of diarrhea students were collected, and Norovirus detection was performed by RT-PCR. Results The outbreak began on June 1, 2014 and lasted 18 days. A total of 633 patients were involved. Patient dining history is not uniform, but all use and drink the school pipe network water. Of 44 patients with stool specimens or anal swabs, 34 were positive for Norovirus by viral nucleic acid, and the positive rate was 77.27%. Conclusions This outbreak of infectious diarrhea is caused by Norovirus, which may be caused by the pollution of drinking water and the contagion of life. The outbreak of infectious diarrhea may be caused by the integrated management of drinking water hygiene, isolation of patients, disinfection and hospital infection management termination.