Spring Lighting Fair CloseD With Record Exhibitor Numbers Industry Sentiment Positive Green and Smar

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  The 7th Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition),?organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC), ended on 9 April with a record of more than 1,250 exhibitors from 12 countries and regions taking part. The four-day fair (6-9 April) welcomed over 19,000 buyers from 112 countries and regions, up five per cent over last year.? Buyers from both traditional and emerging markets converged on Hong Kong to source lighting products, with attendance from the US up five per cent; Australia, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, India, the United Arab Emirates and the Chinese mainland registered even stronger doubledigit percentage growth.
  HKTDC Deputy Executive Director Benjamin Chau said: “We saw vibrant trading and networking on the fairground and observed that buyers were interested in green lighting products, such as LEDs, as well as smart lighting fixtures.”

   LED Leads
  As all three of Hong Kong’s major export markets for lighting products; the United States, the European Union and the Chinese mainland, have banned or plan to ban incandescent light bulbs, market demand for green lighting products is on the rise. At the Lighting Fair(Spring Edition), a number of brands and manufacturers offered an array of trendy LED lighting products that are attractive to buyers from different markets.
   Smart Lighting
  Another Hong Kong exhibitor, Mipow Limited, manufactures mobile device accessories. The company started producing the PLAYBULB? smart lighting series last year and launched several new models earlier this year, including speaker lights bulbs, candle lights and garden lamps. As a first time exhibitor, Mipow Limited wanted to introduce its smart lighting products for both personal and commercial use. Sunny Ng, Mipow’s Global Marketing Director, said: “We have turned our booth into a bar, attracting a lot of buyers to experience the products’ lighting effects. During three hours on the first day of the fair, we received some 300 enquiries from buyers from Europe, the Middle East and the US.”
   Overseas Buyers Active
  Haji Commercial Company (LLC) is a wholesaler and distributor of lighting products for commercial, outdoor, industrial and architectural applications in the UAE and is an agent for renowned European and US brands. The company visited the Lighting Fair for the second time. ?Unni Krishnan, Haji’s General Manager of UAE & Qatar, said: “We are going to launch our own brand by June this year, so we have come here to look for quality suppliers of LED lamps, panels and stripes. On the first morning of the fair, we had already met many high-quality suppliers from the Chinese mainland. We will visit their factories in May and finalise our orders.” ?
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