根据国务院办公厅、中央军委办公厅《转发总后勤部关于河北省积极支持驻军搞好后勤保障社会化改革情况报告》(国办发[2000]14号)和四川省人民政府《关于开展全省机关事业单位社会保险工作的通知》(川府发[1995]30号)文件精神,为支持军队现代化建设,解决军队职工的后顾之忧,现就驻川部队机关事业单位职工养老保险问题通知如下: 一、各级劳动保障部门、人事部门和社会保险经办机构要从讲政治的高度,从支持军队建设,加强军政、军民团结
According to the General Office of the State Council and the General Office of the Central Military Commission, “Report on the Situation of Socialized Reform of Actively Supporting the Garrison in Doing Well the Work of Logistics Support in Hebei Province” (Guo Ban Fa [2000] No. 14) and the " In order to support the modernization of the armed forces and solve the worries of army workers, the circular on the issue of pension insurance for staff and workers of government agencies and agencies in the Sichuan Army is hereby notified as follows: The labor and social security departments, personnel departments and social insurance agencies at all levels should, from a political standpoint, support military construction and strengthen military administration and military and civilian solidarity