1999年5月18日,全世界关注高科技发展的人们纷纷将目光投向了矗立在中国华北平原上的河北晶牛集团。因为建材行业一个近似于“哥德巴赫猜想”般的难题,在这里奇迹般地被攻克了。 至此,敢为天下先、勇“啃”国际科技尖端硬骨头的晶牛人,苦战8年,向祖国母亲交了一份满意的答卷。他们用实际行动向世人表明,伟大的中国人完全有能力参与世界高科技领域的任何竞争。回望那漫漫征程路,晶牛人奉献给国家和时代的不只是一项填补国内空白的稀世珍品,他们在这期间“团结、拼搏、创新、奉献”,所表现出的知难而上、百折不挠、全力拼搏的精神,更是一笔宝贵的精神财富,值得困境中的国有大中型企业学习、借鉴。
On May 18, 1999, people all over the world who are concerned about the development of high technology turned their attention to Hebei Jingniu Group, which stands on the plains of North China. Because the building materials industry a similar “Goldbach conjecture” like the problem here miraculously been overcome. At this point, dare to be the best in the world, courageously “chew” the cutting edge of the international science and technology Jingniu people, bitter fight for 8 years, handed a satisfactory answer to the motherland. They used concrete actions to show the world that the great Chinese are fully capable of participating in any competition in the world's high-tech fields. Looking back at the long journey, the sacrifices made by crystal and cow people to the country and the time are not just rare artifacts that fill the gaps in the country. During this period, they demonstrated unity, hard work, innovation and dedication, , The spirit of hard work, but also a valuable spiritual wealth, worth the plight of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises to learn, learn from.