
来源 :西江教育论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peter_wan
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振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。要把一所学校办出特色、办出水平,不断提高教学质量,关键的一条就是要充分调动全体教师的工作积极性。因此,作为学校的管理者,必须想方设法把教师的积极性充分地调动起来,使之形成向心力。这是学校管理中的核心问题。就这个问题,谈谈我的几点看法:一、加强校长自身修养,提高校长素质,并时时处处以身作则,是调动教师积极性的关键学校的管理水平,实质上是校长的素质水平,它是办好一所学校的首要因素,教师积极性的调动,很大程 The hope of rejuvenating the nation in education, the hope of rejuvenating education in teachers. It is necessary to fully develop the enthusiasm of all faculty members by featuring a school, running a school and continuously improving the quality of teaching. Therefore, as school administrators, we must find ways to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the teachers so as to create a centripetal force. This is a core issue in school management. On this issue, let me talk about my views: First, to strengthen the self-cultivation of school heads and improve the quality of headmasters and to set an example by leaps and bounds every now and then are the key management schools that mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers. In essence, it is the headmaster’s level of quality. A primary factor in a good school, the mobilization of teachers enthusiasm, very big
熬夜伤身已经是不争的事实。熬夜危害很大,甚至会导致身体内分泌失衡。但最近的研究结果给夜猫子带来了好消息——那些熬夜带来的麻烦,可以通过第二天半小时的午睡弥补回来。  统计资料显示,有30%的成年人睡眠时间都少于6小时。众所周知,睡眠不够会导致人体免疫力下降,还会引发一些慢性疾病,诸如肥胖、高血压、抑郁等。因此,法国科学家决定进行实验,希望可以证明他们的一个想法:午睡可以将睡眠缺乏导致的激素失衡调整