肝硬变晚期可出现腹水,其形成是多种因素综合作用的结果,也是临床治疗的一个难题.单纯限钠、利尿治疗可使大部分患者腹水得到良好控制,但约10%~20%的患者对上述治疗无效.人们开始积极探索其他治疗腹水的途径和方法,进行了腹腔穿刺排液、腹水浓缩回输、经颈静脉肝内门静脉分流术、腹腔-颈静脉分流术、肝移植等方法的研究,使人们在腹水的治疗上有了多种选择.腹水的发生与体内钠水潴留有关.因此限钠是首要和基本的治疗.大量腹水时,每天食盐摄入量一般应少于1.5 g,但不能长期限制食盐的摄入量,否则会造成食欲减退、摄食减少,加重营养不良状态.而过度限钠可使利尿剂作用减弱,腹水
Ascites may occur in the late stage of cirrhosis, and its formation is the result of the combination of many factors, which is also a difficult problem in clinical treatment.Ultra-limited sodium and diuretic treatment can control ascites in most patients, but about 10% to 20% Patients are ineffective in the above treatment.People began to actively explore other ways and methods of ascites treatment, abdominal puncture drainage, ascites concentration and reinfusion, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, celiac-jugular shunt, liver transplantation and other methods Research, so that people have a variety of options in the treatment of ascites. The occurrence of ascites and sodium retention in the body.Therefore, limiting sodium is the primary and basic treatment.Large amounts of ascites, daily salt intake should generally be less than 1.5 g, but can not limit salt intake for a long time, otherwise it will cause loss of appetite, reduce food intake, aggravating malnutrition.And excessive sodium limit can diuretic effect weakened, ascites