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温胆汤首见于唐代大医药学家孙思邈所著的《千金要方》,用来治疗“大病后虚烦不得眠”。现为治疗胆经痰热的良好方剂。在《千金要方》自注中有“此胆寒故也”,其中“寒”字应作“痰”字解。温胆汤历经千百年的临床实践,经久不衰。历代医家加减化裁,有了新的发展,适用范围就更广了。真可谓临证时对痰热扰胆,胆虚不眠,口苦心烦等症,不能不考虑的一首良方。 Wendantang was first seen in the “Qian Jin Yao Fang” written by the great medical scientist Sun Siyi of the Tang Dynasty, and was used to treat “nothing to worry about after a serious illness”. Now it is a good prescription for the treatment of gallbladder fever. In the “Qian Jin Yao Fang” note, there is “this cold is also cold,” and the word “cold” should be interpreted as “痰”. Wendantang has survived thousands of years of clinical practice. The doctors in the past have added and subtracted, and with new developments, the scope of application has become broader. It can be said that when it comes to clinical symptoms, it can not help but consider a good recipe for enthusiasm, courage, sleeplessness, and pain.
【正】 可以出一个迷语,迷面是:童话写在海面上。提示一下,这个海专指中国的商海。打一个中国当代的作家名。迷底是:郑渊洁。 一个人可能不知道哥本哈根的地界在哪儿,但他一
目的探讨股骨近端肿瘤性骨缺损的有效修复方法 . 方法股骨头、颈及转子间部肿瘤共 38例 , 根据肿瘤的生物学行为及瘤灶大小分别采用病灶刮除 + 异体皮松质骨植入 13例 , 病灶