Solid-State Synthesis and Effect of Temp erature on Optical Prop erties of CuO Nanoparticles

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianzhiyou258
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Modulation of band energies through size control offers new ways to control photoresponse and photoconversion efficiency of the solar cell. The P-type semiconductor of copper oxide is an important functional material used for photovoltaic cells. Cu O is attractive as a selective solar absorber since it has high solar absorbance and a low thermal emittance. The present work describes the synthesis and characterization of semiconducting Cu O nanoparticles via one-step, solid-state reaction in the presence of Polyethylene glycol400 as size controlling agent for the preparation of Cu O nanoparticles at different temperatures. Solid-state mechanochemical processing, which is not only a physical size reduction process in conventional milling but also a chemical reaction, is mechanically activated at the nanoscale during grinding. The present method is a simple and efficient method of preparing nanoparticles with high yield at low cost. The structural and chemical composition of the nanoparticles were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectrometer, respectively. Optical properties and band gap of Cu O nanoparticles were studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy. These results showed that the band gap energy decreased with increase of annealing temperature, which can be attributed to the improvement in grain size of the samples. Modulation of band energies through size control offers new ways to control photoresponse and photoconversion efficiency of the solar cell. The P-type semiconductor of copper oxide is an important functional material used for photovoltaic cells. Cu O is attractive as a selective solar absorber since it has high solar absorbance and a low thermal emittance. The present work describes in synthesis and characterization of semiconducting Cu O nanoparticles via one-step, solid-state reaction in the presence of polyethylene glycol 400 as size controlling agent for the preparation of Cu O nanoparticles at different temperatures. Solid-state mechanochemical processing, which is not only a physical size reduction process in conventional milling but also a chemical reaction, is mechanically activated at the nanoscale during grinding. The present method is a simple and efficient method of preparing nanoparticles with high yield at low cost. The structural and chemical composition of the nanoparti Optical properties and band gap of Cu O nanoparticles were studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy. These results showed that the band gap energy decreased with increase of annealing temperature, which can be attributed to the improvement in grain size of the samples.
项目综述rn美国UMC肿瘤中心作为整个6.88hm基地开发项目的一期工程,由CO建筑师事务所总体规划,是弗吉尼亚大学医疗中心(UMC)彼得和保拉菲斯肿瘤医院(Peter and Paula Fasseas
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