Both gallbladder stones and colorectal cancer have a high incidence of disease, together with the incidence of high-fat, high-cholesterol, low-fiber diets, the former has a correlation with the latter’s disease, and more than 80% of gallstones are asymptomatic and have good cancer. Colorectal cancer with angina pectoris is misdiagnosed as biliary colic. These common correlations are conducive to the potential risk of colorectal cancer misdiagnosed as gallstones (abbreviation: misdiagnosis) when these two diseases occur in the same patient. This type of misdiagnosis has only been reported in individual cases in the past and is considered to be rare. In the past two years, we have collected 9 cases of misdiagnosis, which is not uncommon. In order to pay attention to the misdiagnosis of colleagues, a clinical analysis was conducted for reference.