中国加入WTO的脚步声已越来越近。从企业到媒体,从专家学者到政府官员,大多众口一辞:“入世”是挑战,也是机遇。那么,挑战来自何处,机遇又在哪里?国内一部分企业已经心里有数,积极备战;恐怕还有不少的企业仍在等待观望。 经中国政府认可,3月15日,白宫公布了中美世贸双边协议内容,以争取国会支持给予中国永久正常贸易系统(PNTR)待遇。时值第四届中国国际电子商务大会的召开,我们特此刊发该协议内容的部分资料,资料采自www.chinapntr.gov/hotnewsjump.htm。材料是美国人写的,是写给美国人看的,观点和立场肯定也是人家的。我们是作为一种“入世”谈判材料看,而不是将此材料视为正式协议文本。 3月8日,美国总统克林顿就美中WTO谈判协议写信给国会。克林顿的信明确地反映了美国政府就中国“入世”一事所持的公开态度。不过他在信中还是写道:“我们还必须继续努力使WTO本身更开放、更透明和更具参与性。”“我们必须认识到WTO的价值,今天的WTO正在培育着一个全球化的基于法规的国际贸易体系。”“协议符合美国安全和中国改革的根本利益。” 开放是为了更好地促进发展,但开放也会使我国企业面临的压力更加严峻。中国一经“入世”,将会把各个行业、各种服务和各个地区推向国际竞争的前线。只有知已知彼,从容面对
The footsteps of China’s accession to the WTO have been getting closer. From enterprises to the media, from experts and scholars to government officials, most of them are reluctant to say: “Joining WTO” is a challenge as well as an opportunity. So, where are the challenges come from and where are the opportunities? Some domestic enterprises already know what to do and are actively preparing for the war. I am afraid there are still many enterprises that are still waiting to see and wait. Approved by the Chinese government, on March 15, the White House announced the contents of the bilateral agreement on Sino-U.S. Trade in order to gain parliamentary support for the PNTR treatment. As part of the convening of the Fourth China International Electronic Commerce Conference, we hereby issue part of the information contained in the agreement, which is available at www.chinapntr.gov/hotnewsjump.htm. The materials are written by Americans and are written for Americans. Their views and positions are surely theirs. We look at it as an “accession” bargaining material rather than as a text of a formal agreement. On March 8, U.S. President Bill Clinton wrote a letter to the U.S. Congress on the negotiation agreement between the United States and China. Clinton’s letter clearly reflects the U.S. government’s open attitude toward China’s accession to the WTO. However, he wrote in the letter: “We must also continue our efforts to make the WTO itself more open, transparent and participatory.” “We must recognize the value of WTO, and today the WTO is fostering a globalized Regulations and international trade system. ”“ The agreement is in the fundamental interests of U.S. security and China’s reform. ”The purpose of opening up is to better promote development. However, opening up will also put pressure on our enterprises even more. Once China joins the WTO, China will push various industries, various services and various regions to the forefront of international competition. Only known to know, calmly face