The first and second issues of the Russian issue of economics in 2005 were published in succession for the round-table discussion on the “Marx’s legacy and contemporary economics” held in Moscow in October 2004. The reason for this meeting was that the magazine published its 5th and 5th issues in 2004. Heydar, B. Maru’s article Marxism: Between Science Theory and Secular Religion (Liberal Defense) and (?). Another article by Grenef Neff, in which Marxism was distorted and attacked, proposed that liberalism should be used to transform Marxism. At the seminar, Georgia Bargaturia and Liu Vasina, the editors and researchers of the famous Marx and Engels in Russia, dismissed the aforementioned fallacies of Heidar and Mah, noting in detail the detailed elaboration of Marx’s “Capitalism” , And introduced the latest edition of the historical research edition of the Complete Works of Marx and Engels. Now extract the content of their speech as follows.