Dialogues about the work “Metamorphosis”: Chinese handcraft: Where did the inspiration for this work come from? Xu Ying: When I saw the process of cell fission in a documentary, I was shocked to think of it as a set of works. Chinese hand: Can elaborate on how you behave? Xu Ying: orange hole in the handle and base on the same as a cell, and the shape of the handle changes, a symbol of cell fission. Chinese handmade: the production process of the hole can be separated from the reader? Xu Ying: After the billet with a hole punch, and then gently point the orange glaze. Ceramics can also be made from a mixture of clay and flour? Nanjing Institute of Ceramics ceramics graduate student Ying Ying gave a positive answer. In early 2013, Xu Ying inadvertently saw a survey report that described the situation of large numbers of people in Ququ County, Sichuan Province, using Guanyin soil before and after 1961. Her painful history broke her inner peace. The pictures in the report constantly stimulated her to think about how to use the ceramics he is good at to describe this history. It is art to express the negative historical sentiment with a bitter and revengeful look