
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huihuiwang
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2000年度《西南民兵》的宣传报道,要紧紧围绕党和国家的大局,以邓小平理论和江泽民主席关于国防和军队建设的论述为指导,以党中央、国务院、中央军委关于国防后备力量建设的方针原则和全军政工会精神为依据,以新时期战略方针总揽全局,围绕适应“战场”和“市场”的发展要求,坚持抓改革,抓重点,抓质量,抓基层,抓落实,充分发挥“指导”和“服务”两个作用,大力宣传中央和军委关于新时期民兵预备役工作的方针原则,及时传达贯彻落实军区党委、首长的指示,继续在突出我区民兵工作特色,抓先进典型、抓重大问题、抓特色栏目上狠下功夫,努力为加强我区后备力量建设,为国家的改革发展稳定,为振兴地方经济,为广大民兵预备役人员成才致 The propaganda and reporting of the “Southwest Militia” of 2000 should focus on the overall situation of the party and the country, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and President Jiang Zemin’s treaties on national defense and army building, and guided by the guidelines of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission on the building of national defense reserve forces Principle and the spirit of the entire army and the political trade unions, take overall strategic consideration of the overall situation in the new period and focus on adapting to the development requirements of “battlefield” and “market”, adhere to the guideline of reform, focusing on the key points, focusing on quality, focusing on the grassroots level, “And” service ". We must vigorously publicize the principles and guidelines of the Central Military Commission and the Central Military Commission on the work of reserve forces in militia in the new era, timely convey instructions from the party committees and heads of military regions, continue to give prominence to the characteristics of our militia work, focus on the advanced models, Problems and grasping distinctive columns, and make great efforts to strengthen the reserve forces in our region, stabilize the country’s reform and development, rejuvenate the local economy and make preparations for the majority of the reservists in the militia
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