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什么叫先进?先进就是先行前 进。“先”是前提、基础和根本。“先 进”的可贵在于“先”、价值在于 “先”、影响在于“先”、作用在于 “先”。一个共产党员,如果总是等别 人想了我才想,别人说了我才说,别 人做了我才做,别人改了我才改,那 还有什么“先进”而言? 其一,观念要“先”。我们说要树 立科学的发展观,但科学的发展观 不会凭空跑到每个人的头脑里。形 成一种观念很容易,但要改变一种 老观念,或者发现、接受和倡导一种 新观念,往往会很难。因此,先进者 必须要学习在“先”、调查在“先”、研 究在“先”、实践在“先”。要善于发现 新问题,更要善于发现新经验。 其二,冲锋要“先”。战争年代, 共产党员要冲锋在前,退却在后。建 设年代,仍然要冲锋在先,退却在 后。当然,现在的冲锋,不是冲向敌 人,而是冲向矛盾、冲向问题、冲向 困难。哪里需要就冲到哪里,哪里艰 What is advanced? Advanced is the first move forward. “First” is the premise, the foundation and the foundation. “Advanced” is valuable in the “first”, the value is “first”, the impact is “first”, the role is “first.” If a communist is always waiting for others to think of me, others say that I said, others did what I did before others changed me before they changed. What is the “advanced” concept? To “first.” We say that we must establish a scientific outlook on development, but the scientific outlook on development will not go to everyone’s mind. It is easy to form a concept, but it is often difficult to change an old one, or to discover, accept and advocate a new one. Therefore, the advanced must study in the “first”, the survey in “first”, research in “first”, practice in “first.” Be good at discovering new problems, but also be good at discovering new experiences. Second, the charge should be “first.” In the war years, communists should take the lead in assault and retreat in the future. Construction era, still charge first, retreat in the back. Of course, the current charge does not rush to the enemy. Instead, it rushes to the contradictions, rushes to the problems and rushes to difficulties. Where need to rush to where, where hard
文化养老产业示范基地rn西部地区养老服务业发展,除了要满足老年人的衣、食、住、行等基本需求以外,还应注重老年人对教育、娱乐、艺术等方面的精神文化需求. 我国西部地区老
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