【摘 要】
In this paper, we present an approach for smooth surface reconstructions interpolating triangular meshes with arbitrary topology and geometry. The approach is b
【机 构】
Department of Educational Technology
In this paper, we present an approach for smooth surface reconstructions interpolating triangular meshes with arbitrary topology and geometry. The approach is based on the well-known radial basis functions (RBFs) and the constructed surfaces are generalized thin-plate spline surfaces. Our algorithm first defines a pair of offset points for each vertex of a given mesh to enhance the controllability of local geometry and to assure stability of the construction. A linear system is then solved by LU decomposition and the implicit governing equation of interpolating surface is obtained. The constructed surfaces finally are visualized by a Marching Cubes based polygonizer. The approach provides a robust and efficient solution for smooth surface reconstruction from various 3D meshes.
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实践教学是理论联系实际的重要途径, 在计算机学科教学中使用实践教学, 教学重心放在职业技能训练上, 达到学生掌握技能、增加经验的目的; 同时, 通过实践教学过程让学生受到
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