【病例】患者,男,89岁,因咳嗽、咳痰、气喘伴发热5 d,于2016年4月15日入院。患者既往有“脑梗死”病史7年,肾功能不全病史1年,1年前发现恶性膀胱癌,行肾造瘘术,现肾造瘘管在位通畅。无食物及药物过敏史。入院查体:体温37.8℃,脉搏87次·min~(-1),呼吸20次·min~(-1),血压136/90 mm Hg。神志清,咽部充血水肿,扁桃体无肿大,表面无脓性分
[Case] The patient, male, 89 years old, was admitted to hospital on April 15, 2016 due to cough, expectoration and asthma with fever for 5 days. The patient had a history of “cerebral infarction” for 7 years, history of renal insufficiency for 1 year, and malignant bladder cancer one year ago. Nephrostomy was performed and the renal fistula was in place. No food and drug allergy history. Admission examination: body temperature 37.8 ℃, pulse 87 times · min ~ (-1), breathing 20 times · min ~ (-1), blood pressure 136/90 mm Hg. Consciousness, throat congestion and edema, tonsils without swelling, no purulent surface points