我学琴有三十多年,在我的认知领域内,中国胡琴没有谁能比刘明源老师更使我打心底崇敬。仰望悠悠天宇,纵览茫茫人海,拥胡琴演奏绝技,怀博学渊识且心行坦荡,刘明源老师是也。 我幼年喜爱音乐,少年痴迷二胡。1976年我考入湖北歌舞剧院,以二胡为业。我一路顺风很快做了独奏演员,耳边渐渐响起了赞扬声,我没有陶醉而因此迷失自己。能使我清醒,敦促我不辞劳瘁要去勇攀胡琴艺术高峰的,是刘明源老师。那时我虽未能拜见大师,可我已千百次地细细聆听了收音机播放的大师演奏的力可撼魄的琴声。我立志要去北京投大师门下学艺,企期藉此提高我的琴技。 1981年夏,废置多年的中国音乐学院公开招生,我及时报考,当年9月幸运地成为复校后的首批学生。入校后,担任我二
I have studied piano for more than 30 years. In my field of cognition, no one in China can make me more revered than Liu Mingyuan. Looked at yo yo Tianyu, overview of the vast sea, with huqin playing stunts, huai erbo learn knowledge and heart magnanimous, liu ming yuan teacher is also. My childhood loves music, juvenile obsession erhu. In 1976 I was admitted to Hubei Song and Dance Theater, erhu industry. As soon as I was a soloist, I quickly began to pay tribute to my ears. I was so intoxicated that I lost myself. Can make me awake, urging me to work tirelessly to climb the peak art of Huqin, is Liu Mingyuan teacher. Although I had not been able to meet the Master at that time, I listened attentively to the breathtaking piano played by the radio master hundreds of times. I am determined to go to Beijing to cast a masters door to art, period to enhance my piano skills. The summer of 1981, many years of abolition of the China Conservatory of Music open enrollment, I promptly apply for the test, then lucky in September that year to become the first students after the resumption of school. After school, as my second