为了充分共享已有的网络数据库资源,提高医院医疗质控工作效率,在2009版广东省医院统计病案系统环境下,借自MicrosoftSQL Server和Borland Delphi7.0,设计和开发出由字典、录入、报表、查询、维护5个子系统组成的医院医疗质控系统,5个子系统分工合作,完成质控工作全过程。本系统的开发应用,省时高效,达到预期的目的 ,本系统有一定的使用价值和借鉴作用,值得推广使用。
In order to fully share the existing network database resources and improve the efficiency of hospital medical quality control, in 2009 version of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital medical record system environment, by borrowing from MicrosoftSQL Server and Borland Delphi7.0, design and development by the dictionary, entry, reporting , Inquiring into and maintaining the hospital medical quality control system composed of 5 subsystems. The 5 subsystems work together to complete the quality control work. The development and application of the system, time-saving and efficient, to achieve the desired purpose, the system has a certain use value and reference, it is worth promoting the use of.