清晨出门,银装素裹,铺天盖地的雪花狂乱飞舞。不一会儿,头顶和衣服上就多了一层白皑皑、凉浸浸的“装饰”。 这是今年秋天以来纽约下的第三场雪。纽约市内有的地方积雪厚达一尺半。许多人高兴地说,今年我们可以过一个“白色圣诞节”了。原来,美国人传统上认为,白雪覆盖的圣诞节可以为来年带来好运。纽约人已经十几年没有看见圣诞雪了。
Go out early in the morning, silver-wrapped, overwhelming snowflakes fly wildly. A moment later, there was an additional layer of white and cool “decoration” on the top of the head and clothing. This is the third snowfall in New York since autumn of this year. Snow in some places in New York City, a half and a half thick. Many are happy to say that we can have a “white Christmas” this year. It turns out that Americans traditionally believe that snow-covered Christmas can bring good luck for the coming year. New Yorkers have not seen Christmas snow for more than a decade.