Progress of the Associated Gamma-ray Research from 14 Mev Neutron Reaction

来源 :中国核科技报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxn222007
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Since 1987 the measurements of angular distribution of discrete gamma-ray spectra for the interactions of 14.9 MeV neutrons with some elements of struc-ture materials of fusion reactor,for example,C,Al,U,Fe,Co and Nb,havebeen completed using a pulsed 400 kV Cockcroft walton accelerator and a gam-ma-ray spectrometer in Beijing Normal University,For every sample gamma-ray spectra at 30°,40°,55°,90°,110°,125°,and 140°relative to the incide-nt neutron direction were measured,and the differential cross sections for everygamma lines were determined,where the results at 90°are new independentmeasurements,The angular distributions of the differential cross sections of Since 1987 the measurements of angular distribution of discrete gamma-ray spectra for the interactions of 14.9 MeV neutrons with some elements of struc-ture materials of fusion reactor, for example,C,Al,U,Fe,Co and Nb,havebeen completed using a pulsed 400 kV Cockcroft walton accelerator and a gam-ma-ray spectrometer in Beijing Normal University,For every sample gamma-ray spectra at 30°,40°,55°,90°,110°,125°,and 140°relative To the incide-nt neutron direction measured, and the differential cross sections for every gamma lines were determined, where the results at 90°are new independentmeasurements, The angular distributions of the differential cross sections of
1  卖蜂蜜的女人  从很远的北方开始  兜售田野的甜蜜  声音充满植物的味道  在阳光里,喊动清晨的清爽  2  賣蜂蜜的女人  在任何花香的地方行走  一些快乐的隐秘  包括漫漫长夜里的恩爱  都在蜂蜜的粘稠里  3  卖蜂蜜的女人  从来没有卑微  心里珍藏着多种味道  世态炎凉,人情冷暖  都给她一声不响  用蜂蜜的甘甜一一融化  4  卖蜂蜜的女人  只把世界分为两片  一片需要索取  
据“Pulp and Paper Journal”1988年第6期报道:加拿大温哥华NeW Fibres国际股份有限 According to Pulp and Paper Journal, No.6, 1988: NeW Fibres International Limit
蜕变  我是蛇托生的,每到夏天  手、足的皮肤,如被风吹坏的薄膜  轻轻一撕如片片雪花飞舞  蛇蜕皮,长大了一截,毒液更多了一些  而我蜕皮,肌体衰老了一截,心更深了  一些  某些存于灵魂角落里的东西,死得快了  一些  走过每个夏季,我已认不出  魔镜中,模糊的嘴脸  观落日  西天的落日缓缓落下  在家乡的方向,成骷髅不化的乳名  唤我这个游子:从那里走来,终将从那里  回去  回到长满霉的
1988年2月4日,两湖电子集团公司在杭州正式成立。在它即将成立一周年之际,回顾它走过的一段路和展望它的前程,自然是有益的。 西湖牌电视机脱颖而出 80年代初,曾以设计能力