日语词汇中的男女使用差别主要体现在人称代词、接头词、结尾词和句尾形式等。其中,日语的人称代词尤为明显地展现了日语词汇在使用中的男女差别。本文主要介绍了标准日语中人称代名词男女差别的一般性质,继而针对“在职场和学校的称呼”和“夫妻之间的称呼”进行了调查。通过对调查结果的分析,进一步研究了其中的问题点。“,”In Japanese vocabulary, the different uses between men and women are mainly reflected on personal pronouns, joint words, ending words and end of" the sentences, etc. Among them, it is the personal pronouns that obviously show the differences between men and women in Japanese vocabulary use. This paper mainly introduces the general nature of" differences between men and women, which are in the personal pronouns of" standard Japanese. Then I conducted surveys on "the addresses in workplace and school" and "the addresses between couples" . According to the analysis of the survey results, I have a further study on the issue points.