真菌次级代谢产物一直以来都是现代天然药物研究的重要资源,如何应用新技术和新方法高效快速地从真菌中发现更多活性独特的新颖次级代谢产物,一直是该领域研究的热点。近几年,真菌全基因组测序和生物信息学分析表明,真菌基因组中包含大量处于“沉默”(silent或cryptic)状态的次级代谢基因簇,这意味着真菌基因组中还有丰富的次级代谢产物生物合成潜能有待于激活和挖掘。生合成途径特异性转录因子(pathway-specific transcription factor)能够激活和调控真菌“沉默”次级代谢产物基因簇的转录表达,促进相应代谢产物的生物合成,从而提高新代谢产物的发现几率,已成为挖掘真菌沉默基因簇、激活菌株代谢潜能的有效手段。本文对目前生合成途径特异性转录因子及其激活真菌次级代谢产物的研究进展进行综述。
Fungal secondary metabolites have always been an important resource for the research of modern natural medicine. How to find out more novel and novel secondary metabolites from fungi rapidly and efficiently with new techniques and new methods has been a hot spot in this field. In recent years, genome-wide fungal genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis have shown that the fungal genome contains a large number of secondary metabolic gene clusters in a silent or cryptic state, which means that the fungal genome has a large number of secondary Metabolic potential of biosynthesis needs to be activated and excavated. The pathway-specific transcription factor activates and regulates the transcriptional expression of the fungal “silent ” secondary metabolite gene cluster and promotes the biosynthesis of the corresponding metabolites, thereby increasing the probability of finding new metabolites , Has become an effective means of mining fungal silencing gene cluster and activating the metabolic potential of the strain. This review summarizes the recent advances in the pathways of biosynthetic pathway-specific transcription factors and their activation of secondary metabolites of fungi.