无轨电车完全依靠电力行驶,尤其是在采用锂离子动力电池技术后,续航能力更强,特殊路况时能够采取相应的绕行措施,从而大大增强了无轨电车的灵活性和机动性。2013年12月19日,北京市首条“油改电”公交线路正式运营,原104快速公交线路车辆全部由柴油车置换成双源无轨电车,成为市区内第16条无轨电车公交线路,并正式更名为127路。至此,北京市无轨电车线路长度也增长至214.42 km。
The trolleybus relies solely on electricity to drive, especially after using lithium-ion battery technology. It has a longer battery life and corresponding bypass measures in special road conditions, thus greatly enhancing the flexibility and mobility of the trolleybus. December 19, 2013, Beijing’s first “oil to electricity” bus line officially operated, the original 104 bus lines all vehicles replaced by diesel vehicles double-source trolley bus, becoming the city’s 16th trolley bus Line, and officially renamed 127 Road. At this point, the length of the trolleybus line in Beijing has also increased to 214.42 km.