江泽民同志在全国宣传部长会议上明确提出,要大力宣传和弘扬淡泊名利、无私奉献的精神。有的同志感到困惑:无私奉献精神与等价交换原则是相互矛盾的,讲等价交换就不是无私奉献,讲无私奉献就不是等价交换。既然市场经济通行等价交换原则,为什么还要在全社会宣传和弘扬无私奉献的精神? 这是因为,任何具体的道德准则,都有自己特定的反映对象和适用范围。无私奉献与等价交换属于两种不同的道德准则,二者各
At the national propaganda ministerial meeting, Comrade Jiang Zemin clearly stated that it is necessary to vigorously publicize and carry forward the spirit of indifference to fame and fortune and selfless dedication. Some comrades are confused: selfless dedication and the principle of equal exchange are contradictory. Equivalent exchange is not selfless dedication. Selfless dedication is not equivalent exchange. Since the principle of equal exchange is adopted in the market economy, why should we publicize and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication in the whole society? This is because any specific code of ethics has its own specific object of reflection and scope of application. Selfless dedication and equal exchange belong to two different kinds of moral standards, both of which are different