本文报告了长江三峡库区主要淹没区万县市段鼠类调查情况。该段为钩端螺旋体病和流行性出血热疫源地,1981年以来多次对该段4个区县鼠类情况进行了调查,发现野外平均鼠密度为9.09%,宅内平均密度为11.92%。共捕获鼠种11个,各区县鼠类群落结构差异较大,随着时 间推移,群落结构也在发生变化。调查证实万县市库区疫源地复杂,鼠传疾病(特别是钩端螺旋体病,流行性出血热)对库区人群健康构成了威胁。
This article reports the survey of rodents in Wanxian section of the main submerged area in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. This section for the leptospirosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever foci, since 1981 several times in this section of the district rodents were investigated and found that the average field rat density was 9.09%, the average indoor density of 11.92% . A total of 11 species of rodents were captured, and the community structure of rodents varied greatly among different districts and counties. With the passage of time, the community structure also changed. The investigation confirmed that the foci of the Wanxian City reservoir area are complex and the rodent diseases (especially leptospirosis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever) pose a threat to the health of the residents in the reservoir area.