乐活时代,解放大脑和双手。小家作坊里DIY乐趣多多,让你双手更健美,头脑更灵活,生活也因此更有滋有味。本期,主持人夏天教你制作个性相册。有的朋友会说,啊?自己制作,那得多复杂啊!其实一点也不复杂,而且制作的过程也很开心呢,不信你就往下看吧!别忘了把你变废为宝的金点子发给我——[email protected]!
LOHAS era, liberate the brain and hands. Small DIY workshop a lot of fun, so your hands more bodybuilding, more flexible mind, life is therefore more nourishing. This issue, the host summer teach you to create personalized photo album. Some friends will say, ah? Own production, it is much more complex! In fact, not complicated at all, and the production process is also very happy, do not believe you look down! Do not forget to turn your waste into treasure Golden Ideas sent to me [email protected]!