《中共中央关于面向21世纪加强和改进党校工作的决定》、《中共广西壮族自治区委员会关于贯彻中共中央<关于面向21世纪加强和改进党校工作的决定>的实施意见》和《中共北海市委员会贯彻<中共中央关于面向21世纪加强和改进党校工作的决定>的实施意见》是面向新世纪指导我们党校工作的纲领性文件,主体班办学要全面贯彻落实《决定》和两个《意见》的精神,深化教学改革,使主体班教学提高到一个新的水平。 一、改革教学内容,优化课程设置 教学内容改革是党校主体班教学改革的中心环节。党校教育既具有普通教育的一般特征,又具有不同于普通教育的自身规律,这就要求党校的主体班教学改革应该遵循以下几个原则: “讲政治”原则。中央的《决定》把做好党校工作提到“是党的事业全局和党的自身建设的迫切需要”的高度来认识,在此基础上又重申了党校“三个阵地、一个溶炉”的作用,明确规定“党校教育是全国各级党政领导干部轮训的主渠道。”“科教兴
CPC Central Committee’s Decision on Strengthening and Improving Party School Work in the 21st Century, Opinions of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Committee on Implementing the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving School Work in the 21st Century, and Implementation of Beihai City Committee Opinions on Implementation of the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving the Work of Party School Facing the 21st Century “is the programmatic document for guiding the work of our Party School in the new century. The mainstay of running schools should fully implement the spirit of” Decision “and the two” Opinions “ , Deepen the teaching reform, so that the main class teaching to a new level. First, the reform of teaching content, curriculum optimization Teaching content reform is the main part of the party school teaching reform of the central link. Party school education not only has the general characteristics of general education, but also has its own laws different from general education, which requires that the following principles should be followed in the reform of the teaching of the main class in the party school: Principles of Politics. The ”decision“ of the Central Committee made reference to the work of doing a good job in the work of the party school on the basis of ”being the cause of the party’s cause and the urgent need of the party’s self-construction.“ On this basis, it reiterated the ”three positions and one solution furnace“ Clearly stipulated that ”Party school education is the main channel for rotation training of party and government leading cadres at all levels in the country.“ ”Science, education and education