何清华教授对自己是否登上了某些排行榜并不热衷,而对山河智能产品能否在竞赛中取得好成绩似乎更有兴趣。在BICES 2009展会的山河智能展台接待室,记者有幸与何清华教授进行了近距离交流。刚一落座,何老师就向我们介绍,在刚刚结束的某挖掘机手大赛中,驾驶山河智能设备的选手获得了极佳成绩。这无疑体现出了两点,一是驾驶员操作技术娴熟,二是山河智能的设备控制精准度高,灵活易操作。
Professor He Qinghua is not enthusiastic about whether he has boarded certain leaderboards. However, it seems that he is more interested in whether Sunward smartphones can make good achievements in the competition. In BICES 2009 exhibition Sunward Intelligent booth reception room, the reporter was fortunate to have a close exchange with Professor He Qinghua. Just seated, what teacher introduced to us, in the just-concluded excavator hand contest, driving the Sunward smart device players achieved excellent results. This undoubtedly reflects two points, first, skilled drivers operating skills, and second, the Sunward intelligent device control accuracy, flexible and easy to operate.