
来源 :青岛大学医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfx523
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Objective To investigate the electromyographic(EMG) characteristics of masseter and anterior temporalis during various jaw movements in skeletal Angle Ⅲ malocclusion in mixed dentition. Methods 38 children with skeletal Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion in mixed dentition were selected for study and 40 children with normal occlusion as controls. EMG activities of masseter and temporalis in various movements were recorded by a four lead electromyography. Results When mandibular was in its rest position, no differences were noted in EMG between the two groups ( t=0.026-1.123, P >0.05). The EMG activities of masseter and tempolaris in Angle Ⅲ group were lower than those in the control ( t=1.59-11.25, P <0.05). Conclusion The activities of masseter and anterior tempolaris recorded in EMG in children with Angle Ⅲ malocclusion show significant differences as compared with normal ones. Objective To investigate the electromyographic (EMG) characteristics of masseter and anterior temporalis during various jaw movements in skeletal Angle III malocclusion in mixed dentition. Methods 38 children with skeletal Angle class III malocclusion in mixed dentition were selected for study and 40 children with normal occlusion as controls. EMG activities of masseter and temporalis in various movements were recorded by a four lead electromyography. Results When mandibular was in its rest position, no differences were noted in EMG between the two groups (t = 0.026-1.123, P> 0.05). The EMG activities of masseter and tempolaris in Angle III group were lower than those in the control (t = 1.59-11.25, P <0.05). Conclusion The activities of masseter and anterior tempolaris recorded in EMG in children with Angle Ⅲ malocclusion show significant differences as compared with normal ones.
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