The results of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that GOT, SOD, POX and ME of two crosses of citrus were the same for the two crosses of CRIMMINTIN × SANHUHUHONG RED, CRIMETINTIN × YICHANG ORANGE F_1 hybrids The enzyme was detected and analyzed. It was found that the F_1 generation was separated at the four enzyme sites of GOT-2, SOD-2, POX-2 and ME-2, indicating that the parents were heterozygous at these enzyme loci. The isolates of GOT-2, SOD-2 and POX-2 were tested by x ~ 2 test and were consistent with Mendelian single-gene inheritance. The corresponding genes Got-2, Sod-2 and Pox-2 could be used as genetic markers. The separation of ME-2 is complex, indicating that citrus is very genetically complex.