The film “The Last Madness” is a high level thriller entertainment, exciting episode ups and downs, ingenious scene arrangements give a sense of novelty. However, the outcome of an explosion, but can not help but give people the feeling of disappointment. With the help of his girlfriend, Song Ze, the murderer, repeatedly refused to arrest and abscond to commit crimes. As a result, he finally carried dangerous explosives on board a car and his desire for survival was still visible. He Lei, a member of public security forces, defied hardships and followed the hunt. Finally, The gesture has done an outstanding job of saving the train and passengers. The film has so far always been to the audience a great infection, people’s mood as the plot twists and turns vibrate and get relief. According to saying, people are looking forward to exactly the kind of traditional fugitives were brought to justice, chasing the triumph of the outcome. However, in order to highlight the “madness” of fugitives and the courage and dedication of public security officers in dying conditions,