An effective indoor radio map construction scheme based on crowdsourced samples

来源 :高技术通讯(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love12355
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The crowdsourcing-based WLAN indoor localization system has been widely promoted for the ef-fective reduction of the workload from the offline phase data collection while constructing radio maps. Aiming at the problem of the inaccurate location annotation of the crowdsourced samples, the existing invalid access points ( APs) in collected samples, and the uneven sample distribution, as well as the diverse terminal devices, which will result in the construction of the wrong radio map, an effective WLAN indoor radio map construction scheme ( WRMCS ) is proposed based on crowdsourced samples. The WRMCS consists of 4 main modules: outlier detection, key AP selec-tion, fingerprint interpolation, and terminal device calibration. Moreover, an online localization al-gorithm is put forward to estimate the position of the online test fingerprint. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme can achieve higher localization accuracy than the peer schemes, and possesses good effectiveness and robustness at the same time.
我是一只老虎,家住在东北地区的深山密林中。我一般独来独往,不成群结队。  我食量很大,喜欢捕食一些大型的动物,比如野猪、梅花鹿和羚羊等。小动物还不够我塞牙縫的呢!  我一般在晚上出来捕食,最喜欢黎明到日落的这段时间,因为有许多动物都在这时候放松了警惕。它们认为这期间最安全,赶紧出来觅食,正巧我在捕猎!  成年的我,为了炫耀威风,更喜欢圈占领地,方式也独一无二,比如四处撒尿、抓磨树干、有规律地排自己
不是吹牛,学习上我是名副其实的实力派。随着年级的升高,我学习的成绩越来越稳定,这不,这学期所有的测试,我的成绩稳居全班第一,获得了“学霸”称号。  这下可好,头上被扣上“学霸”的帽子之后,我的烦恼随之而来。  先是妈妈对我的“严加管教”。以前我的成绩在班里一直是中上游左右,妈妈虽然也总是督促我好好学习,但是我还有课后踢球、画画的时间,甚至能在周末用爸爸的手机痛快地玩一次游戏。这回,妈妈对我考重点中
小鱼想到陆地上散步,发现自己没有脚,很伤心。小鱼游啊游,看见了小鸭子,小鱼问小鸭:“小鸭子姐姐,我没有脚不能行走,你能把脚借给我吗?”小鸭子说:“不行啊!我没有脚就不能游泳、走路了。”  小魚难过地离开了。它游啊游,看见了青蛙,“青蛙大哥,我没有脚不能行走,你能借给我脚吗?”青蛙说:“不行啊!我没有脚就不能跳,就不能帮农民伯伯捉田里的害虫了。”  小鱼伤心地游啊游!它看见了一匹大马,“马伯伯,我没